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  Welcome  To  Healing Through Harmony: Empowering You On Your Journey to Health and Wellness

A Brief Overview

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Just for today, I will let go of my anger.

Just for today, I will let go of my worry. 

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.


One of the most important aspects of the principles is the phrase Just for Today.

Living in the moment, being aware of what is going on around you causes you to live in the present.

Consider the thoughts that have been going through your mind.

Are they present centered? Or are you thinking about the past or future?

The past is gone and the future has not arrived yet, so for today, try to stay in the moment you are in.

Stressed? Depressed? Anxious? Run down?


Relax with Reiki...


Reiki replenishes energy and restores balance in the mind and body, allowing you to experience total relaxation, harmony and inner peace.

What Are Angel Cards?

Angel  Cards act as divine messengers, relaying what Spirit and the angels need you to know about a situation; offering guidance in moving forward. They give you specific messages about how you can improve your health, life, relationships, finances, career and spiritual path.

Angel card reading is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person’s guardian angels and archangels to heal and harmonize every aspect of life.

Each reading is unique, utilizing the energy received by the reader from the client. Some readers use just one deck but many combine cards from different decks to fine tune the information. There may be times where I will pull from another deck of cards to get additional information as well as to confirm the angels’ original message.

Contact Us

...Mandala is a magical symbol of the harmony of the world to create a powerful energy field, which came to us from Eastern religious practices. Translated from the ancient Indian language, "mandala" means "circle, center" and symbolizes, neither more nor less, our Universe.


The mandala is depicted in different ways, but most often it is based on a circle in which a square decorated with all kinds of shapes, flowers, curls and ornaments is inscribed, and in the square there is another circle identifying the divine world. It is especially attractive in ritual symbols that all the depicted patterns are arranged symmetrically.


According to legend, the first geometric pattern of the mandala was created by Buddhist yogi Padmasambhave. He worked on the ritual drawing for a whole week and did not stop his prayers. On the eighth day, the deity descended to the center of the Buddhist mandala and fulfilled all his innermost desires.


Ancient people drew mandalas, embroidered them on their clothes, created sand patterns, drew on the floor and walls of temples and worshiped this drawing, considering it a sacred amulet that is sent to the world in order to attract luck and success.


If you look at the world more broadly, the symbol can be found everywhere: the sun, a flower, a snowflake, the pupil of a person, an animal, a bird - all these natural phenomena are shaped like a circle.


Tibetan Buddhists are sure that patterns contribute to the awakening of higher forces. Today, mandalas are an affordable and easy way to solve many difficulties that each of us may face on the path of life, it is a unique method, as it is suitable for all people, regardless of their gender, age, education, social status, and does not require special knowledge and skills to apply. Sacred patterns allow:


* activate energy;


* effectively meditate and do yoga;


* to harmonize thinking;


* expand consciousness and imagination;


* improve concentration;


* relieve tension and anxiety;


* heal from somatic diseases;


* solve emotional problems;


* to reveal creative abilities;


* improve family relationships;


* grow in a quarry;


* create and implement goals;


* get to know yourself.



Mandalas are not a trick or magic, it's a way that will help you talk frankly with your own subconscious and make amazing changes to your life, so pattern drawing therapy has firmly entered our lives.


Mandala is not just symmetrical patterns, but a semantic composition, where each curl has its own meaning and meaning.


The mandala can be interpreted depending on the shape of the symbols and the color schemes used.


* Circle means harmony, infinity, unity.


* Square is the achievement of goals.



* A triangle with an upper vertex means endurance, purposefulness and willpower, and if the vertex is at the bottom, it can be a manifestation of isolation, confusion, caution.


* A wavy line indicates the presence of worries, anxieties and unresolved issues.


* The spiral is a symbol of infinity.


* If arrows or angles are used in the picture, it can be interpreted as determination, attack, protection and other sharp actions.


* The polygon symbolizes stability, durability and reliability.


* The cross is confusion and inability to make a decision.


* Labyrinth, logically, talks about finding himself and the desire of a person to understand his feelings and thoughts, to find his place in life.


* The trees and flowers shown reflect life itself, boundless peace and security.


* The lotus flower is a symbol of the fusion of all things. Everything material is collected in the bud, and in the stem - sacred.


* The eye/pupil is interpreted as an "all-seeing eye", that is, the possession of higher knowledge that is not available to all people.


* The image of the heart is, of course, akin to sensuality and love for people, the world, yourself.


* A shell can mean a desire to close off from the whole world.


* Drawings of animals will tell about the character of a particular person at a certain period.




























Colors not only give the mandala life and fill it with energy, but can also tell a lot about the person who painted the symbol.


In Hinduism, there are 7 primary colors:


1. Red is considered the main color and means love, blood, survival, energy, confident path.


2. Pink is wisdom, sensitivity, spiritual development.


3. Yellow - well-being, individuality, hope, development, new life.


4. Orange - emotionality, ambition, vital energy, return at a specific moment.


5. Green - the birth of the new, harmony with the world, the desire to help, healing, patience.


6. Blue - calmness, rationality, seriousness, attention.


7. Blue - symbolizes the sky and water, which means it can mean a spiritual impulse, a source of life, creativity.


Today, other colors and shades are also used.


Of course, there is no universal rule for decoding symbols and colors. To correctly understand the meaning of the mandala, one should rely on intuition, emotions, associations, metaphors and common sense. And the main thing is not to limit your imagination and remain honest with yourself.


Created by me

Unique Mandalas are energetic paintings that are charged    

with the powerful energy of Love and Joy,

each Mandala is created in a single copy and helps to

harmonize the space.

If you are interested in transforming your life in any

area: relationships, realization,

money, health, I will be very happy to help you !!!



























© 2023 by PERSONAL TRAINER. All rights reserved

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